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Joustaposition | 3D Party Game | April 2017

A local multiplayer, fast-paced, energetic, and woefully inaccurate future society's take on the ancient art of jousting. I served as a co-producer being responsible of dealing with a team of 16 people, planning the schedule and dealing with day to day operations. As well I served as both a core member of the QA team as well as marketing teams. This project was shown at 2017 LevelUp Student Video Game Competition where it was rewarded 2nd place in the Peoples Choice Category out of 87 teams.



Homer Simpson Sedan | 3D Model | April 2017

A 3D model of Homer Simpsons Sedan created with Maya

Til Death Do Us Part | Escape Room | April 2017

An escape room where players find themselves ripped from a wedding only to find themselves in a military prison where they have only one goal, find the communist traitor. Made with the support of both Brock University and the Niagara Military Museum. I served as the projects project manager in charge of the budget, leading the interdisciplinary team and planning out the schedule. As well i served as one of the puzzle designers for the room.



Creative Bytes Project | Trailer | April 2016

A trailer created for an unannounced Creative Bytes Studios title to highlight features of the game to potential platform holders such as Sony and Microsoft. I was the the editor and co-designer of the trailer consulting with the leads of the company to come to the final tone and style of the trailer. For more information please contact Paul Caporicci at

Tower Of Sky | 2D Platformer Game | April 2016

A 2d platformer for PC. My key responsibility on this project was the design and execution of the projects schedule for all its included teams. As well I was in charge of compiling and keeping up to date the sound and art teams asset lists.



Donkey Kong Reverse Engineered GDD | Documentation | February 2016

A reverse engineered Game Design Document for the arcade classic Donkey Kong. I was responsible for designing a theoretical GDD centered around the arcade game Donkey Kong. The document includes descriptions and explanations of all areas of design, art and technical that could be used to recreate the game.




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© Copyright 2016-2020

 by Shaun Housden

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