Originals: Interactive Story Series | RPG | QA Tester
A casual free to play narrative platform that allows players to play numerous different narratives in the horror, drama and romance genres
Created and executed test suites, created QA sprint pages, managed the testing of all narratives, assisted with Liveops and binary submissions

Kim Kardashian Hollywood | RPG | QA Tester
A casual free to play role-playing game about becoming a world-famous celebrity
Provided QA support through completing test cases, regression testing and assisting with binary submissions
The Last Sky | Adventure Platforming Game | QA Tester
An adventure platforming game about a man's journey through limbo and his attempt to come to terms with it
I served as a QA tester on the project where my duties involved finding, recording and reporting bugs to the appropriate team member
Wings of Icaria | VR Action-Adventure Game | Production Intern
A VR action-adventure game about a young man's vision quest to save his tribe and potentially the universe
I served as a production intern on the project where my main tasks were maintaining task lists, bug testing and creating and maintaining bug report lists
As well I assisted with the design of various parts of the title including characters and gameplay mechanics

Project Memoir | VR Adventure Game | Sole Developer
A VR game where players are faced with dealing with the death of a close friend
Created as my thesis at Ryerson University for the Masters of Digital Media program
I was the sole developer on the project creating all level designs, art assets as well as being the technical lead
Developed with the HTC Vive
Joustaposition | Action Party Game | Producer
A local multiplayer, fast-paced, energetic, and woefully inaccurate future society's take on the ancient art of jousting
I served as a co-producer being responsible for dealing with a team of 16 people, planning the schedule and dealing with day to day operations
Also served as a member of both the marketing and QA teams
The project was shown at 2017 LevelUp Student Video Game Competition where it was rewarded 2nd place in the Peoples Choice Category out of 87 teams
Embers of Mirrim | Platforming Game | Production Intern
A platformer about two creatures who must come together to protect their world from an alien threat
I served as a production intern on the project where my duties included creating a trailer for the game that was used to show off the project to potential publishing partners
As well I also supplied feedback on the project through playtesting

Donkey Kong Reverse Engineered GDD | Documentation | Writer
A reverse-engineered Game Design Document for the arcade classic, Donkey Kong
The document includes explanations of all areas of design, art, and technology